State adjudged violent

Using the data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a financial website called The Street produced a list of the most violent states in the nation. Nevada ranked third.

The Nevada figures are as follows:

Total violent crime rate (per 100,000 residents): 607.6

Murder and non-negligent manslaughter rate: 4.5

Forcible rape rate: 33.7

Robbery rate: 178.3

Aggravated assault rate: 391.1

Total population: 2,758,931

The data for the FBI reports are submitted by local law enforcement agencies, either through a central state repository in most states, or directly to the FBI in a few states. Nevada is in the first category.

Local agencies are not required to participate, and some do not, so the figures are not regarded as exhaustive. In the most recent annual report, for 2013, the FBI said it received statistics from 6,115 law enforcement agencies out of 18,290 total police agencies participating (or not participating) in the reporting program.

In addition, localities may be reluctant to report some types of statistics that do not put law enforcement in a good light. Politifact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact checking site, reported this week, “There is no mandate that local law enforcement agencies report officer involved shootings to the FBI. While 18,000 city, university, county, state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily participate in the FBI's annual Uniform Crime Report, just a small fraction of them willingly provide data on deadly force and justifiable homicides within their departments. “