RN&R’s 2008 Fall Guide

Temperatures have begun to drop, but things are looking up for autumn. Here’s our guide to books, music and other indoor activities.

For whatever reason—be it the change in the air, the chilly accent note at the end of formerly warm breezes—we get introspective during the fall. We turn inside our heads, and as the temperatures drop, we turn inside, period. With autumn movies, music, food, video games and books, RN&R’s fall guide shows there’s plenty to explore in the great indoors.

Superheroed out? Fall movies have arrived.
Leo and Kate together again, Josh Brolin as George W., and we’ll just say “Coen Brothers”—the fall movie season is upon us.

Warm up to soup
Fall—when you can eat soup again without sweating.

Videogames even better than the real thing
Videogames that make you feel better about being inside.

Fall music releases
Pop, hip-hop, avant-garde instrumental and Americana music is ready for harvest this fall.

The reading season
A father and son head off our fall reading list of Western lit.