Quick change

Thirty-three local parents with fast hands and squirming babies attempted to make it into the Guinness World Records for the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously on Saturday morning, April 23. It was organized by The Great Cloth Diaper Change, local cloth diaper company Little Smudgeez and held at Rockaboo children’s boutique in Reno. I was selected as an impartial “witness” to the event, to ensure guidelines were followed.

Reno was one of 400 locations worldwide participating in the event. There was not a previous cloth diaper-changing Guinness record to challenge, and the event was conducted to help bring more awareness to cloth diapers.

Since petroleum-based disposable diapers are about to experience a price hike due to the same factors that are causing people to pay increased gas prices, more parents may be giving cloth diapers a look. A recent National Public Radio story pointed out that cotton, too, will be affected by gas prices, but cotton-based diapers are reusable.