Pitch Black

Pitch Black

This band plays just about everything really fast for some reason, and much of this disc ends up sounding like unused fight scene cues from an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Clichés abound, like a Sabbath-esque tolling bell and numerous nods to low-budget horror film soundtrack music, but all of it lacks that knowing wink that lets the listener know the band is actually in on the joke. In the end, an album full of songs about death is just not very interesting. All right, so the whole thing isn’t about death; there are also songs that deal with other subjects, like funerals, the living dead and necrophilia. Guitarist/vocalist Kevin Cross delivers the songs in his best snotty punk rock voice, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter what these songs are about, since this CD exists solely to give adolescent boys something to pump their fists in the air to.