

Jeff Lock has spent the last year volunteering with Friends of Nevada Wilderness, using his photography skills to document his travels. On Feb. 19, his photos were presented at Buenos Grill.

How did you develop an interest in photography, and how did this event come to fruition?

I volunteered to do field work for Friends of Nevada Wilderness. So, we went into the Sierra, White Mountains and into Las Vegas—so around Red Rock and the Valley of Fire. But I’ve been photographing nature since 1980, and, around eight years ago, I started a series called Winter Slide where I would present photos with other photographers at Buenos Grill. But I’ve been interested in photography all my life and believe getting out on-foot and experiencing a town or place is the best way to have a better understanding.

What kind of message do you think your photography sends, or what are you trying to say?

I want to inform, entertain and inspire people to live a passionate life. If you have a passion, then you need to learn and grow with that energy. The one thing that connects us is passion, and I’m trying to be that example. I want to try and give back to the public and really find a way to do it all. I’m 62 and have been a cyclist all my life along with photography, but I want to lead by example that passion drives anything. I like photographing nature the most because it’s so dynamic and can be used for so many different things. Old nature, new nature, it all holds different elements.

What started your passion for photography and how has Friends of Nevada Wilderness helped you expand upon that?

Well, my family moved to California in 1966, and I had a two-year stay in Yellowstone as well, so being around all that nature really sealed it for me. Living also in the Sacramento Valley and the Santa Cruz area really drove my interest in photography. The volunteer job was 13 weekends around Hunter Falls Trail, and I just really wanted to try and help in any way I can because these projects just can’t get done with the amount of people working to help. There are millions of acres for maybe five people to cover it’s just not possible. So, anyway to give back I try to do it. And with where we are in technology connecting with people and other photographers is as easy as ever. I’ve worked with people who have been to very exotic places and have done excellent work, and I wasn’t able to do that when I was first starting out. The only way to be noticed was to be in an exhibit.

What do you plan to discuss during your presentation?

The first portion will mainly be focused on the field work, going to Soldier Meadows, going into the mountains and even interacting with Big Horn Sheep. The photography is really set before and after a work day. The end is my time in Las Vegas with Red Rock and Valley of Fire, like I said. A lot of group photos and just covering the nature of it all. Showing people what we got to see and experience through the eye of the lens. Hopefully try and tell a story of what we were able to accomplish. But all proceeds go to Friends of Nevada Wilderness, and anyone can join to help by going to events and volunteering.