Mr. Segue

Devon Blunden

Photo By D. Brian Burghart

OK, admit it. You’ve seen those people in the Bermuda shorts and black socks riding the Segways in single file around downtown. And while the machines look fun, like the unfortunate joke about the moped, you’re a little uncertain about your friends seeing you on one. Not Devon Blunden, 22. He’s a tour leader for Reno Fun Tours, and he loves the little units. Reno Fun Tours can be called at 223-4173 for reservations.

How long have you been doing Segway tours?

Actually, I just started on here, but Walter and Sinda, the owners, started it up a year ago.

Is today your first day?

It’s a week now.

What do you do?

We get people, and we give them private tours. We teach them how to ride a Segway. It takes about four minutes, and then you know how to do it. We take them all over downtown, show them the sights, tell them about the history, show them—you guys’, actually—the top one, two and three voted best places to eat and drink and stuff like that. So you guys have been a big help to us.


We take them up the Riverwalk and show them all the new stuff that’s going in and tell them where to have a good time in Reno.

What’s it cost?

It’s $65 a person. It’s a two-and-a-half hour tour. It’s a great first thing to do when you get to Reno.

What got you started doing this?

I’ve always wanted to get into tour guiding, and I just moved up here. I know Reno really well because I’ve always been coming up here. I found Sinda and Walter, and here I am.

How many of these Segways do you guys have?

We have eight. We do tours up to six people or as few as one person.

How hard are these Segways to maintain?

They’re really easy to maintain.

What’s it take?

You plug them in at night, and that’s about it. They don’t really break down or anything like that.

What did you do before you came to Reno?

I was in school.

What did you study?

Cultural anthropology and history.

Oh, no kidding. So you actually got something that works with your degree.

I guess so, yeah, imagine that.

So is there a Mile-High Club for Segway riders?

We can start one.

[Laughs] Don’t look at me, dude. So what else should we talk about, about the Segway culture?

Every day, I get the mall cop comment. I wish people would be more original because I like being insulted, I think it’s fun, but those ones are just boring. Come up with something better because I’m probably going to laugh, too.

Anything else?

Chicks totally dig guys on Segways. A lot of them just don’t realize it, but they do.