Letters for September 8, 2011

Good job, Dennis

Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

Thanks for Dennis Myers’ telling “New Anti-Semitism” essay! First-rate article by a first-rate journalist.

Jack G. Shaheen
va email

Judge by appearances

Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

I didn’t see the author’s name on the story in the publication. It’s OK, you’re in America. We don’t chop off heads and send them home in a box. Until nations control their radical lowlifes, America has to be on guard and suspicious of anyone who even looks like a potential threat. Besides I do believe the Bible says, “Pray privately.” These people don’t believe I have the right to believe in my religion. If they had their way, anyone who doesn’t do as they say would be murdered.

Mike Kanelis

Hard on The Beaver

Re “Worst. Year. Ever.” (Arts & Culture, July 7):

I like your reviews of the worst and best movies. I can agree with you on The Beaver and The Tree Of Life after seeing both of them. I rented The Beaver last weekend, and it left me depressed. [Spoiler alert:] I expected a happy ending, and it made me more depressed after he cut off his arm. I thought that was a horrible way to get rid of the beaver. It isn’t Mel Gibson that is flawed in the movie, but the writing. I wonder how the writer got such an awful script filmed. I also do some screenwriting so I’m a bit jealous that he could talk a producer into buying his movie without realizing there’s no market for it. Another thing that got me about the writing is the character “Walter,” who has everything to be happy for with a loving family and successful business. He should be thankful for what he has and not depressed, so the writer should have shown what was really bothering Walter since it wasn’t his current situation. I bet it was his relationship with his father, which was never shown in the movie. This was a big mistake. I understand that people may not think much of Mel Gibson because of his personal problems, but the big mistake in The Beaver is trying to make a good movie out of a bad script. A bad script will never make a good movie, and that is a fact we see in The Beaver.

Diana McManus
Austin, Texas

Enough equality already

Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

Since when did the RN&R revert to being a propaganda arm of militant Islam?

When 3,000 citizens in two high-rise buildings and aboard four U.S. flag-carrier aircraft, U.S. sensitivities are bound to be strained. It was America’s second Pearl Harbor. Further, retribution and swift military justice is—properly—called for and was dealt.

Some Muslims are attempting to use victimization the way U.S. self-appointed civil rights advocates did after enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Law, which both expressly forbade and never intended race-based, nor gender-oriented goals, quotas and timetables.

Enough already.

David C. Phillips

Hate breeds war

Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Ignorance is killing the soul of this great country and others, too. It’s time to open our eyes and see how naive we are and how we help a selected group of people to become more and more rich by making us fight wars that are not there.

Teresita Giacaman
Santiago, Chile (formerly of Reno)


Re “The next big thing” (Feature story, Aug. 25):

It is glaringly obvious that Fernando Leal has not taken a look beyond his own vivid imagination nor does he clearly see the reality of what the downtown area is—a low end and declining gambling arena for locals, college students binge partying, and those seeking a cheaper alternative to Vegas. Add to this mix the growing numbers of transients shadowing the doorsteps of downtown’s institutions, which have turned them into what they are today, and you have what is.

In short, it’s a strip solely for the purposes of dereliction and vice. To even consider something as pointless and completely out-of-place as a rock climbing facility is comparable to opening a Brooks Brothers clothing shop in Ethiopia. I only wonder who’ll foot the bill once this ridiculous fantasy bares itself as yet another delusion. (Gee, let’s see—the taxpayer?)

Being that I’m always in hope of change, I will take this opportunity to offer up a brainstorm for once this pipe dream falls on its face. Since this must be quite an investment, keep the rock climbing wall, but with a more all-around use. Have the downtown bums slated for daily (or nightly) competitions. Ergo, hidden in nooks and crannies of the rock climbing wall will be placed bottles of liquor, cartons of cigarettes, spare change, etc., then have these less fortunates strapped up, and “ready … set … go!” They will scurry up the walls in search of these prizes.

Those who discover these prizes within the allotted time frame will be allowed to keep them, and perhaps additional prizes awarded depending on the attendance gate and or the contestants’ popularity and ability. Maybe a meal and a one night stay in a room (bathing mandatory). If this goes well, teams and leagues could be organized—The Boulder Bums vs. the The Wino Wall Walkers, for instance. I would fork out 10 or 20 bucks to see something as unique as this and might draw new blood from far away lands as well those as myself visiting the downtown area more frequently. This also might give the hope—or at least something to do—and have the public able to walk up Virginia sans being hit up for cigarettes and change every quarter block. It’s a win-win for everybody.

Perry Fisher

Intentionally ironic?

Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

How dare you compare perceived anti-Muslim sentiment to the Holocaust! The Holocaust resulted in the death of millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, etc. That was a reality, not anti-Muslim sentiment. Get real! You have overstepped rational journalism. Such alleged anti-Muslim sentiment is the result of decades of terrorism against the U.S., Muslim anti-Americanism and Muslim anti-Semitism. They expect Americans and the world to forget this. Muslims have not forgotten the Crusades and teach this hatred from generation to generation. I am survivor of the 9/11 Muslim attacks on New York City. I remember Muslims around the world throwing candy in the air celebrating their 9/11 victory. What a disgrace to me and my country that on this memorial date you print such rubbish! Shame on you. I have downgraded your status as a responsible newspaper. Furthermore, any alleged anti-Muslim sentiment can be blamed on those Muslims who continue to bash, terrorize and target our country. Rational Muslims should blame the fanatical Muslims for any such alleged anti-Muslim sentiment. Finally, if Muslims are sensing any anti-Muslim sentiment, then they can blame themselves, specifically their inability to integrate and become apart of American society. This country is about tolerance, freedom, respect and acceptance of all human beings. Be a part of that or leave!

Nik Carl


Re “The new anti-Semitism” (Feature story, Sept. 1):

Due to a last-minute production error, the byline was removed from the article. It was written by Dennis Myers.