Letters for September 11, 2008

French connection
Re “Sikh and you will find” (Filet of Soul, Sept. 4):

Thanks for providing us valuable info about Sikh. We always used to wonder why we saw so many turbans after 9/11. I am currently visiting New York City and actually met some of the Sikhs here. When I checked your site, I saw some more info about them. Good to know different culture and ethnicities.

Dil Rodriguez
Paris, France

It’s Green they say
Re “Don’t waste your food” (Green, Aug. 28):

Thanks for the excellent story on the Go Green Program. I would like to make one addition to the story. The city of Reno, as a component of the City Council’s Green Initiatives, is also a partner with Ms. Moore and KTMB in this project. The city has actively participated in the development of the program and the building of the partnership with Washoe County School District and has donated to the administrative costs of running the program. The city is dedicated to increasing the environmental education of all our community residents, including our children, and has been pleased to participate in the development of the Go Green Program. The mayor will be offering a proclamation honoring the Elmcrest students for their work at the Sept. 16 WCSD School Board meeting. Our goal is for 20 schools to participate in the 2008-2009 school year.

Liz Boen
City of Reno Senior Management Analyst

Woody’s always good
Re “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (Short takes, Aug. 28):

Why is it that every time Woody Allen puts out another great movie, about 57 different critics will proclaim, “It’s his best movie in 10 years?”

Excuse me, but Vicky Cristina Barcelona is most certainly not Woody’s best movie in 10 years. Rather it is undoubtedly his best since the masterful Match Point which was out in 2005. At that time hordes of critics were proclaiming it to be his best in 10 years, but it actually was his best since the previous one, which was the totally delightful and completely unique Melinda and Melinda put out only one year prior.

I could go on and on back through the timeline with more evidence of how ridiculous this “best in 10 years” statement has gotten to be. But I’m just wondering why it is that critics are always blindsided to the constant stream of topnotch work from this master filmmaker.

Todd Jetter

That’s sarcasm, and we can tell
Re “Waste or wonderland?” (Green, Sept. 4):

Bravo! Go get those Burners! They are the true criminals; down with art and creativity and its wasteful ways! We should hang every free thinker; they are the enemies of nature! Not the oil-guzzling, sheep-like masses or the greedy leaders in charge. Besides, I’m sure the writer of this article doesn’t own a car, didn’t drive into Burning Man, camped in a tent, and didn’t ride in an art car, right?

Aimee Eade
Oakland, Calif.

Power utility
Re “H2Oh!” (Feature story, Aug. 28):

RN&R does a good job of exposing the underhanded tricks pulled in our local governments, and Dennis Myers’ “H2Oh!” was no exception. He really exposed the indefensible behavior of our county commission on water importation. When the commissioners found that most people don’t want it, instead of respecting the people’s will, they continued to scheme for it behind the scenes. Bob Larkin, as chairman, has been kind to the developers, to say the least.

Bill Hamma

And Christians are Jews
Re “Sikh and you will find” (Filet of Soul, Sept. 4):

“We knew nothing about Sikhism—by the way, it’s neither Hindu nor Muslim, but its own thing.”

Anyone who has bothered to read the Guru Granth Sahib knows that if you removed every page that quoted from Sanathan Dharma (aka Hinduism), you would end up with the covers alone!

Sikhism is a sect of Hinduism—just as much as the Amish are a sect of Christianity!

The primary teaching in Hinduism is that one should use the path appropriate for one’s intellectual/spiritual development.

Raja yoga is not for any Tom, Dick or Hari!

Ritual-laden Bhakti yoga is appropriate for most of the people who are below average intelligence.

Try reading the Bhagawad Gita to get some understanding of the origins of Indian dharma.

Shahryar Pax
London, England.

Rather fight than switch
Re “Keep that TV” (News, July 10):

Great article. Sounds a bit monopoly-esque and very manipulative that viewers have no choice to keep and use the old-signal TVs. At a time when the Earth needs to be cared for, maybe this switch-over should be reconsidered. Or, it could be stopped by the courts?

Larkin Oates
Nashville, Tenn.

Liberals censor conservatives
Re “Why have a conservative columnist” (Letters to the Sept. 4, Aug. 28):

Once again, I see the ass of the Truckee Meadows liberal. Amanda Williams is accused of being biased for not repeating the same misinformation that liberals crave? “Obviously biased” would be a term better reserved for, well, the RN&R or the RG-J.

“Why have a conservative columnist?” is a question being asked by the same kind of person whose political party wants to push the Fairness Doctrine on talk radio. The same person whose political party wants you to believe in the global-warming hoax. And, heaven forbid you question the “facts” that the mid-stream media puts forth. The same kind of person who bashes Fox news, yet will sit in a trance as the other media outlets spew misinformation and biased reporting?

Liberals, both here in the Reno area and worldwide, realize that we “right wing nut jobs” will always be here, and we will always seek to get the truth out, like it or not. We realize that you look forward to the day that only YOUR opinions and thoughts will make it to the airwaves and to print, to brainwash the masses. But, remember, this is not the socialist utopia that you want it to be, and as long as people like Amanda Williams and myself are here, it never will be.

Robert Ramos