Letters for November 5, 2015

Fungible II

Re “Fungible” (Letters, Oct. 29):

Dear Mr. Johnson, bravo for your letter to the editor. Sadly, I must add that your opinions regarding Sheila Leslie’s column, “Republicans for a united front against women,” will be ignored as it makes too much common sense. Most liberal progressives insist on utopian solutions for problems that are an individual’s responsibility.

Every item you listed is indeed the responsibility of an individual and no right or obligation exists for our federal government to provide these benefits under the Constitution. Of course our Congress has long ago given up their sworn duty to the Constitution and that goes for both sides of the aisle.

Nevertheless, I do appreciate reading other opinions offered instead of having to fight this battle of a lack of understanding of our Constitution in today’s politicians.

One of these days the Reno News & Review will allow an open forum for the “other side” to publish a guest column for conservative views that is not limited to the relative short letters to the editor.

Fred Speckmann


Our money

Re “Paying Musk’s bills with our money” (Left Foot Forward, Oct. 29):

Ms. Leslie clearly states the current and sometimes long State of Nevada and local government interest in bringing new business to our region, in this case the Tesla manufacturing plant. There are several other examples that bear witness to the same misguided actions of our local governments in the last few years. …

In 2013 I wrote to the governor the following: “This issue directly relates to how the State of Nevada may recruit out of area businesses to Nevada. I am very concerned that special treatment be given these businesses shortchanges residents and enriches executives at the expense of Nevada and local government budget systems, underfunded programs, employees and residents. I respectfully request that Nevada not position itself, as other states have done, of bidding on a business to move to Nevada. Often these bidding wars are perceived and factually a gift to executives in unearned profits. In these bidding wars businesses expect enrichment over the term of their business life in that state. This is wrong and has proliferated business thought processes to the point that, ’If you don’t help me, we’ll go away.” Further, it adds cash to the business bottom line. Shame on us if we contribute to this larceny of the state treasury. Shame on us if we bow to business and corporate greed and give away tax supported financial aid and diminish our quality of life, program reduction or basic assistance to residents in the name of bringing business to the state.”

Press Clewe



Regarding media censorship: How many veterans committed suicide yesterday? How many veterans committed suicide last week, last month, last year—over the last ten years? Who’s really winning the war in the Middle East? Better still, is there a war to win?

This is the story that goes far beyond the standard journalistic suppression. For all the rhetoric we’re being fed about America’s heroes, there is something disgustingly wrong. I worked for the U.N. Commission for Refugees during apartheid in South Africa. I’m seeing the same hypocrisy here I saw there.

Mike Beesley


For sale now

Re “Censored! Ten big stories the news media ignored.” (Feature, Oct. 22):

The first item tells us that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer because the “power elite” are pushing things that way. I will be more specific: The rich and powerful get what they want from the U.S. government because they own every Republican in D.C.

Brad MacKenzie
