Letters for November 15, 2018


Re “Diary of a budtender” (cover story, Nov. 8):

In a world with global warming and random mass shootings, this was a highly amusing diversion to read. That it was—as your editorial note explained—"originally produced as a class project at the University of Nevada, Reno,” brought clarity to the hilarity I felt, especially the writer’s forehead-slapping revelation that marijuana dispensaries are out for a profit: “In a capitalist American market, money is king.”


His indulgence of high-grade ganja was perceptible from his comic-book description of the dispensary owner—"electric blue eyes and … torpedo-shaped, braless, fake breasts.” In reality, she has green eyes and the figure of a middle-aged woman without plastic surgery. Even funnier was his note that “apparently the owner … was able to get John Legend to perform in her dining room.”

In truth, Legend performed in her back yard, in summer 2016. (Imagine squeezing him, a concert grand piano, security guards and 80-plus guests into a dining room!)

That must be some killer kush the young writer smokes. His story is a reminder that a clear mind and devotion to facts are critical to producing quality journalism.

Mike Sion


Election afterthought

Re “Don’t forget to vote” (cover story, Nov. 1):

Thank you for this carefully researched guide! I actually changed my mind on a few of the ballot questions based on the reasoning behind the opinions. Mainly, I hadn’t considered the repercussions of changing our state constitution, even if the idea is generally a good idea or has good intentions. As a general principle when it comes to almost every aspect of life (business, family, school, etc), I feel it’s important to have the courage to experiment with new ideas and the courage and freedom to abandon them if they don’t work out as planned. Learn from the experience, take what is good, cut out what doesn’t work, possibly stop the whole thing altogether, and move on. A change in the state constitution essentially removes the freedom to learn, re-evaluate, adapt and tweak, and grow. Nope! So therefore as a principle, I now generally believe any ballot measure to change our state constitution is a bad idea, no matter how good the idea or intentions. Thank you again, RN&R!

Sharon Miller


Brian fan

Re “Bruce fan” (letters, Nov. 8):

It’s disappointing to see Brian Adams’ letter about Bruce Van Dyke. First of all, I’m middle-of-the-road. I get the facts from reliable sources and vote for good candidates whose policies I agree with. There’s way too much money in politics for either party to have our best interest.

That being said, all these things about Trump are true. Just check any reliable fact-checker. His meanspirited politics have his followers blindly following him, and writing RN&R and calling Bruce names. He’s bringing out our worst traits. I’m seeing it everywhere. Let’s be civil.

Joe Evans

by email

Grimm demotion

Re “Bites the dust” (Film, Nov. 8):

Bob, you’re such an insider … it’s almost as if you and Queen are one. But I read your review after going to see Bohemian Rhapsody because I wondered if a movie critic would see the same things I did. Nope.

Perhaps I wasn’t as disappointed as Bob since I didn’t know, like most movie-goers, the exact specifics of Queen like apparently Bob does, or maybe it was because I just wanted to enjoy the fabulous performance of Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury.

Nope. I didn’t know the exact date Freddie contracted AIDS. Bob did. I didn’t know the exact dates Freddie and Jim Hutton were together in the final years of Freddie’s life. Bob did. I wasn’t even aware of the extent of Freddie and Mary Austin’s special bond. You guess it. Bob did.

I’m glad Bob set me straight. Hey Bob, I heard Rolling Stone is looking for new writers.

Richard Copp

Washoe Valley