Letters for March 31, 2011

Digital killed the analog star

Re “Digital divide” (Feature story, March 24):

I like the story, but it didn’t go deep enough into the jungle and throw spears at the heart of the lion.

Look, Nashville had 20 to 28 labels more than 10 years ago that we considered majors, like Decca and others. They were all doing fairly well until digital file sharing came along. Nashville has two, maybe three major labels left, and they aren’t much more than houses to hook up distribution for other acts. They basically wait on American Idol to bring them an act with the masses attached to them. Major labels can’t break an act on mp3 downloads. Labels have never been able to sustain themselves nor an act on their label with singles alone. Back in the day, before we had even heard of iTunes, digital mp3 or file sharing, they had to sell LPs.

I mentioned Decca, which had Shelia Shipply running it along with Mark Wright, two of the best record people in the business. The day it closed its doors, Mark Chestnut was sitting at No. 1 on R&R. That was the tell-all sign we were in trouble.

I’m with Garth Brooks on downloads, except I had to learn the hard way, I tried it, it doesn’t work. If you want my record, then CD form is how you’re going to have to buy it. If we would all do that, we could start making some money again.

I don’t agree with the writer about it hurting the indie worse than the major.

The labels, the artist, the writers, the publishers, and studios are all headed for the poor house. If we can’t give the public good content, and soon we may not—without funds to do it with, we surely cannot—and if we can’t, the buyer stops buying, and the listener stops listening, which puts even more pressure on the guys at radio who send the music out on the airways. They would like to keep their listeners. It’s a problem affecting all of us.

Our fans, our listeners, are more educated, more intelligent than ever in the history of the entertainment world of music. They know more about it, how to get it, and where to get it, but they forgot one thing, smart as they are. They forgot we have to be paid for it in order to keep it coming to them. Sometimes we can be too smart for our own good.

Royal Wade Kimes
Nashville, Tenn.

Right Angle

Re “She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named runs again” (Right to Your Head, March 24):

Amen, brother. I’m impressed you typed out the entire a.k.a. each time, but better safe than sorry. She is truly the gift that keeps on giving, yet I’m dismayed at the number of people who drank this Kool-Aid after the first time. I understand voting against an incumbent, but still, SWMNBN was not a sane choice.

Darlynne Vrechek

Learn from Snooki

Re “Youth gone wild” (Feature story, March 24):

I dedicate this article to all the fake, overly spray-tanned parents that breed these young fashion/reality TV sycophants. This young writer has an insight beyond those of the weak-minded masses that the Hollywood harlots have blinded by their Jersey Shore idiocy. Unfortunately, as I wade through flocks of these poor souls that believe and live in their MTV-induced coma, I realize that an education is not only important but necessary. There is a caveat to this ideal: An education should be for the application of knowledge and not for greed-inspired exploitation of it.

Cheers to this young man! I look forward to reading more from him.

David Hinojos
Plano, Texas

Proud Nevadans

Re “An expert’s prayer” (News, March 24):

Thank you for presenting Elliott Parker’s views on Nevada’s economic future, the best article on the subject I have read. To kill the interest of any serious person considering a move here, one need only print our standing in education nationally (even though we have some outstanding programs).

However, from Thomas Jefferson through Andrew Carnegie to Ron Paul, Americans have known that education of all kinds is the key to any community’s growth. So, thinking outside the box, I suggest we slash the cost of enrollment for achieving students of all kinds and skills, decline to hire anybody over 35, and thus bootstrap ourselves into being the cheapest, best education state. And to pay for this? Borrow from both the federal Democratic Congress and the many corporations that want their own schools.

Be proud, Nevadans! We could be famous for our brains rather than our brothels and radioactive holes!

Gary Scrimgeour, Ph.D.


Re “Gagging on Gaga” (Feature story, March 24):

Cheers, Storm. You tell it better than most adults. And coming from a member of the ’60s generation, that’s saying a lot. I am so, so very glad that your generation has at least one mouthpiece that won’t cave to the tripe presented as lyrics by so many of the current “artists.” Thanks.

Sue Malby
Washoe Valley

Unclear Nevada

Re “Nuclear Nevada” (Greenspace, March 24):

One of the arguments I’ve heard against any type of nuclear energy park and/or storage of radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain against the claims of people who believe they will get jobs and free money from the government for all Nevadans just for storing/processing the waste is, “Where’s the money?” Ten thousand jobs and $4 billion a year? Washington State and South Carolina both have budget deficits, yet both are suing the government to have them open Yucca Mountain for waste storage. Both states are already storing radioactive waste in their states, yet both are willing to spend money they don’t have in their budget to be rid of the waste. The question is, why? Why aren’t these, and other budget-strapped states, willing to step forward and accept the $4 billion a year in payroll, thousands of jobs building and staffing the facility and free money for all the citizens living in their state as claimed by N4CFE and others supporters of Yucca Mountain? If this facility is such a grand enterprise why aren’t the other states lining up to accept the proposal? Given the financial restraints shown by some members of Congress these days, don’t you think one of the first items to be cut would be the “free money” given to Nevada families for accepting the facility? Are we ready to sell part of the state for a facility that could, maybe, possibly just might generate up to $4 billion in revenue and give Nevadans free money; a facility that no state in the nation wants and some states are trying desperately wishing to rid themselves of their waste product?

Dewey Quong

Do good work

Re “Class act” (Feature story, March 24):

I have known Carlos Kovac for about seven or eight years now and to see the progress he has made brings me to tears. I have so much love for him, he is like a brother to me. I am so proud of him and hope and pray that all of his dreams come true. Carlos, keep up the good work and follow your heart where it takes you. I have faith that you will climb to the top and be the best that you can be.

Ashley O’ConnellReno