Letters for December 13, 2012

Support medical services

A common misconception is Planned Parenthood just deals with abortions. They also offer birth control, women’s health services like breast and cervical cancer screenings, pregnancy education, and serve men who usually go for STD testing and treatment. Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of these services, and of their average 11 million services a year, abortions only account for 3 percent. Nationally, less than 7 percent of Planned Parenthood’s funding goes to abortion services, and most clinics only counsel and provide referrals, like many doctors. Many men and women go to Planned Parenthood because it’s less expensive and they can be seen without insurance. Getting rid of Planned Parenthood would mean more abortions due to unwanted pregnancies from not having affordable preventative methods. Without affordable and proper available services, many women could take it upon themselves to execute the abortion, damaging their bodies permanently, if not killing themselves.

Bryann Whitley

Cold comfort

On Nov. 17, the Nevada Republican State Central Committee (SCC) met in Pahrump. The meeting was a victory for Ron Paul supporters and lovers of liberty everywhere. In a nutshell, resolutions were passed stating that the binding of Nevada’s national delegates was in violation of party rules and federal election laws, and therefore the delegates were never truly bound. Because of this, the subsequent censuring by the state party of delegation chair Dr. Wayne Terhune, and the Nevada delegates who [voted for Paul] was totally improper.

The RSCC also resolved that the “rules” passed at the national convention were never truly passed. If you watched the convention on TV, then you witnessed the chaos that ensued when a new set of draconian rules were swept into place, even though it seemed like a majority of the voice vote was “No!” In spite of the dissension, Convention Chair John Boehner continued to read the teleprompter, which scrolled up that the rules were unanimously adopted, when in actuality, they never were. These new rules, enacted ex post facto, required a plurality of eight states for a candidate’s presidential nomination. Therefore, since the 2012 rules were not accepted by the body, they were not in effect, and the 2008 rules were.

Ron Paul was nominated as he did have the original required plurality of five states (actually six), and was never allowed the opportunity to give a nomination speech. These nefarious rules changes were the work of national party chair Rance Priebus. Since the Nevada RSCC meeting, 30 other states’ Central Committees have passed the “Resolution to Reestablish Republican Unity and Principles,” or a “Resolution to Restore the Power of the Grassroots.” This resolution throws out the rules that were forced upon the 2012 National Convention, and reinstates the rules of 2008. Next January’s RNC winter meeting in Charlotte, N.C., should be the final chapter for party chair Priebus. His take-over of the convention and abysmal direction of the Romney campaign left the party in ruins. Meanwhile, Ron Paul has taken over the leadership of the Campaign for Liberty, where his message of peace, sound money, and freedom continues to ring true for many.

Cynthia Kennedy
Virginia City

Expect the worst

Re “That’s Capitalism, folks” (Feature story, Nov. 15):

Over the years, I have come not to expect much from the feature articles in the RN&R, so when I saw the clever title for the feature article on capitalism, I assumed it would be the usual RN&R diatribe, this time about capitalism: something along the lines of Michael Moore. Imagine my surprise, and delight, when I finally had a chance to read this article and, instead of the usual sniggering adolescent sarcasm, I discover a serious, intelligent, mature, well-thought-out and even impassioned argument about (of all things) socialism.

But, how is it possible that Jake Highton has missed the last hundred years of human history? The rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the conversion of Communist China into Capitalist China. Everywhere communism and socialism are in retreat: shucks, even Fidel and Raul have seen the light and are courting the tourist dollar nowadays (or perhaps more correctly, the tourist Euro).

Where has he been? Was he locked in an ivory tower? Could it be that he still is? Because he doesn’t even keep up with current events. The European Union and the Euro zone economy are collapsing under their own weight, much of that weight acquired as the result of the Greeks and French taking too many holidays. Ever since the end of World War II, the socialist governments of southern Europe have been encouraging their citizens to enjoy the good times. Now, the piper must be paid, and it’s not a pretty sight.

I cannot think of two more unlikely heroes of the working class than Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Karl Marx never worked a day in his life, unless you consider editing an academic journal to be work. He married the daughter of a rich man, and spent the rest of his life living on his wife’s money. As for Engels, he was the quintessence of the exploitive capitalist bourgeoisie. He became rich off the backs of the workers in his family’s textile mills.

I do agree with Highton that the best possible form of human society, the one that is definitely worth striving for, is the society where each person gives according to their ability and takes according to their need. Capitalism is absolutely the worst possible form of human society, and yet it prospers everywhere, like a weed. It succeeds because, unlike communism or socialism, it appeals to the lowest common denominator of the human character.

Marx was right, class struggle is one of the fundamental elements of human existence and human history: workers fight for their rights and capitalists fight for their profits. Do coal miners need a union? Absolutely! Do farm workers need a union? Without a doubt. Do college professors need a union? The answer to that is not immediately obvious.

As Voltaire said, “History is the pattern of silken slippers, descending the staircase to the rumble of hobnail boots coming up from below.” This has been the course of human history from the very beginning, and I think it must always be this way. It is not Utopia, and it’s certainly not the best possible model of human society, but I think it’s the only one we can expect, human beings being what they are.

Bill Nickerson

Not necessarily

Here in Nevada, alone among the 50 states, voters can cast a ballot for “none of the above.” This fall, Republicans tried to eliminate this option, thinking it might help Romney. Had they succeeded, the joke would have been on them.

It wouldn’t have changed the presidential results. Obama won a clear majority of over 52 percent, nearly 68,000 votes ahead, with only 5,770 voters choosing “none of the above.”

But eliminating the option might have given us a second Democratic Senator. Berkley lost to Heller by just 11,576 votes. Over 45,277 voted for “none of the above” in that race.

Michael O. Campbell


In the story, “Power brokers” (Feature story, Dec. 6), we misspelled Deirdre Mazzetto’s name.

In the story, “General fund dollars” (News, Dec. 6), we incorrectly stated that Monarch Casino Resort Inc. owns both the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino and the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa. This is not true.

We regret these errors and apologize for any confusion caused by them.