Letters for August 19, 2004

Save the tree
Re “These are your problems, City Council” (RN&R, Editorial, Aug. 5):

We very much enjoy going to the river events. It is a beautiful setting, the river, amphitheater, etc. But, we just heard the city of Reno may cut down that beautiful huge, old tree. What a shame. That is a very beautiful tree. It is a meeting spot for many and provides needed shade. How can they even think of cutting down that tree? If it blocks the view for some watching the stage, those people can move, as we always have. What can we do to stop the action of cutting down that tree?

Please let us know if there is anything we can do: petition, post flyers, etc.

Clay Wilson, Corey Wilson, Kathie Preston

Editor’s note: Our source at City Hall says the tree has been removed from the chopping block, at least temporarily.

Do something besides complaining
Re “Harsh letter” (RN&R, Letters, Aug. 5):

This is in response to Matthew Leavitt’s judgmental, hateful letter regarding Black Sheep Dip II.

It’s been my experience that the most critical people are the ones not doing anything, and the ones who are bored are the boring. An event that hosts 14 bands at 10 minutes apiece, more artwork than you can shake a stick at, and local people speaking their minds is hardly boring. The event lasted until 3 in the morning with plenty of people still there and having a great time. Perhaps you couldn’t get laid among the more colorful and, yes, eccentric people in town. Your only release to make you feel better about your own repressed soul was to write a nasty letter.

You are the one frightened—frightened of people different than yourself. Tattoos and piercings are commonplace; you’ve probably seen some at the mall. You need to get over that; you are not inferior for your lack of style. The Black Sheep performers, artists and audience were made up of service workers, business owners, lawyers, teachers, construction workers, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc. This is diversity.

So some people got together to showcase their friends’ and neighbors’ talents, giving the profits to charity—sounds more real than your pathetic attempt to knock it. If you can do better, let’s see. Start your own event. You could call it Love it or Leavitt! Then we can all come and judge you for what you wear, if you smoke, your economic class. You are a bigot and a looksist. Please try to get laid before you hurt someone.

Nick Ramirez

The Price writes
I join my fellow veterans in disgust over the dishonest ads designed to help re-elect a coward like George Bush. There is no excuse for such egregious slander. No matter how much advertising time or space media outlets sell to those who promote such lies, common decency and journalistic ethics should stop them from carrying the liars’ water.

Mike Price

Bubble kids
Re “These are your problems, City Council” (RN&R, Editorial, Aug. 5):

How many lifeguards would it take to cover the Truckee River? How much are you willing to raise taxes to pay for your personal lack of interest to watch your own children? What about rangers every quarter mile on all the hiking trails in the county? Why were the swings removed from the parks?

Come on, I’m sick of people who can’t manage their own responsibilities. People play, people get hurt. If you can’t deal with it, stay home in a protective bubble.

Chris Mayer

Don’t forget parental involvement
Re “Scholarly pursuits” (RN&R, Cover story, Aug. 12):

While I enjoyed your recent focus and articles on back to school, I was disappointed to find that there wasn’t one article addressing the importance of parental involvement.

Not only does the revamped ESEA (renamed No Child Left Behind) include provisions for parental involvement, it has been statistically shown that when parents involve themselves in their children’s school, students have higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates, better attendance and lower rates of suspension, fewer instances of violent behavior, increased self esteem and motivation, reduced risk of use of drugs and alcohol and a larger enrollment in post-secondary education.

It is important to remind parents that we are a part of the experience, and it benefits us all to be involved.

Michelle Beck
President, Sierra PTA Council