Letters for August 11, 2005

Support our president
I’m tired of people bashing our president.

He represents this democracy. His polls are in the pits, but so what?

The whole lot of defeatists—filthy liberals no doubt—even some of these traitors within our own Republican bosom, can twist in the wind, burn in Hell or be on a PATRIOT Act’s list for all Bush and I care. There are larger fish to fry!

As the Germans used to say before Hitler’s folly collapsed: Wenn Sie nicht eine Abweichung sind, haben Sie nichts sich zu verstecken.

With sloppy license in English: “Trust your government, Criminal.” It’s the most un-American sentiment ever, and yet the most trouble-free. Snaps for that. Play the “Star Spangled Banner” on cue. No one needs notice.

In fact, contrary to some bumper stickers I’ve seen, our president is not “a punk-ass chump.” And even if he were, he’d still be my kinda guy.

I say we repeal that liberal Constitution thing about terms of office, and we pretend we elect this guy for a third time. That—or we get a grip.

Craig Ayres-Sevier

Generation gap
Re “Shop locally, eat globally,” (Arts & Culture, July 28):

Jason Vagner scribes, “As a first-generation American with Hungarian parents, I’ll never see the gastronomic glories of émigré-run delis from my youth in 1970s Los Angeles.”

Reading that, I thought, “If he’s a first-generation American, and his parents were Hungarian, what generation were his parents?” I mean, isn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian and first-generation American? If Jason were born here, then by my count he must be second generation. I checked online and found that “first generation” is used both ways, though the preferred usage is in reference to the foreign born parents of the second generation.

first-generation: “adj. 1. Of or relating to a person who has left one country and settled in another. 2. Of or relating to a person or persons whose parents are immigrants.”

Richard Dunn
Carson City

Editor’s note: There are also the possibilities that he was born here before his parents became naturalized citizens, or that they all became citizens at the same time. You know, if you’re looking for something to do, they might need some volunteers down at the local school.

Was Jesus conservative?
Re “Separate religion and government” and “Disorder in the Court,” (Letters, Aug. 4):

Mike Powell would have us believe that Republicans deliberately loaded the court with moderates and liberals in citing Reagan’s appointment of Kennedy, but Robert Bork was his first choice. Judge Bork was soundly ridiculed and bastardized by Ted Kennedy on issues such as abortion (which Bader-Ginsburg refused to answer, and it was OK—see if John Roberts gets the same pass). So the Senate caused Reagan to choose the moderate Judge Kennedy. Bork would have voted against eminent domain.

Karl G. Matsunaga is right when he says that this nation is in a battle. But it is a far leap to equate defunding of Public Broadcasting with an attack by Christians. I, for one, enjoy PBS and NPR and would be sad to see them go. I am mature enough to make up my own mind when I suspect programming is slanted left. Matsunaga should actually try reading the Bible if he is going to attack its adherents. Don’t confuse Republicans with Christians.

DK Eggleston does his professors proud in his denunciation of this country’s history. The men who decided it was time to break from England, however, were a lot more spiritual than this generation. He points out the word “Creator” in our founding documents as arbitrary and part of the times. Was it also part of the times to sacrifice everything they owned by simply signing that piece of paper? Higher Source or Human Nature? I think the former as opposed to the latter. One only need read their writings, for they were indeed influenced by the Judeo-Christian ethos, which is why they advised Congress ‘not to limit the free exercise’ of religion in America, as secularists seek to do.

Bill Thibault

Charlie. Really? That Charlie?
Re “Long live punk,” (Music beat, Aug. 4)”

In your recent Musicbeat article, Brandon Russell wrote:

“Hard-rocking Reno upstarts Cobra Skulls have another answer. Started in January 2004 by singer, songwriter and bassist Devin Peralta, Cobra Skulls are a straightforward, three-piece outfit that’s all about “stickin’ it to the man. … Peralta is joined by Charlie Parker on guitar and Chad Cleveland on drums. … Parker, also of Ketchum, is a rookie to the music biz.”

First, the guy in the picture is definitely not Charlie “Yardbird” Parker. Secondly, “Bird” played the alto sax and is still considered one of the best ever on that instrument. Cobra Skulls may be “stickin’ it to the man,” but they are not gonna stick me with the idea that they have Charlie Parker playing with them.

AJ Bima

Editor’s note: Sigh.