Jackass 3D

Rated 3.0

Johnny Knoxville assembles his insane crew once again, this time giving you the option of watching their antics with 3-D glasses on. Stunts include Knoxville’s getting trampled by buffalo and a bull, Bam Margera getting covered in snakes, and Steve-O drinking man sweat. While the 3-D isn’t necessary for every stunt, it does enhance a couple of them. Slow motion face punches look pretty sweet, and Steve-O’s ordeal inside a portable toilet on a bungee cord is worth the price of the ticket. Even though Knoxville will turn 40 next year, he remains the most badass of the crew, subjecting himself to the worst of the film’s physical torments. He also has a dancing scene—throwing down goofy moves in a pink sweater to the tune of Roger Miller—that provides the film’s funniest moment.