
San Franciscans walk amid the ruins of their city after the 1906 earthquake, which happened 99 years ago this week. Plans are underway for a centennial observance of the event in 2006.

San Franciscans walk amid the ruins of their city after the 1906 earthquake, which happened 99 years ago this week. Plans are underway for a centennial observance of the event in 2006.

Courtesy Of Library of Congress

Centennial of the big one
The 99th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake this year was a reminder of the approaching centennial of that event.

A 1906 Earthquake Centennial Alliance has been formed as a coalition that includes nearly a hundred entities, from the California Seismic Safety Commission to Brigham Young University to Chevron Texaco. There are at least 60 known survivors of the earthquake who will likely be honored guests of the commemoration next year.

The earthquake was a signal event in the West, including Nevada. Communities and organizations in the state collected food, clothes, and money and sent them to help the victims. The quake itself was detected on a Ewing pendulum seismograph in Carson City, 181 miles from the epicenter. No Nevada-based groups are members of the Alliance.