Grass lawyer suggests changes

A California lawyer who works in marijuana law has taken an interest in Nevada’s evolving medical marijuana situation.

Though the Nevada Legislature has provided for local governments to set up dispensaries around the state, the timidity of local elected officials who are apprehensive about being seen as pro-pot has slowed the process down to a crawl.

Sherman Oaks attorney Ariel Clark said in a prepared statement that there's another problem—the process for Nevadans to get cards authorizing them to purchase marijuana from the dispensaries.

“Currently, the state uses a two-step process that can take more than 30 days before a card can be issued,” according to Clark. “My recommendation would be for state officials to eliminate one of the steps to make the process more efficient.”

That, however, could not happen until the Nevada Legislature meets in 2015.

Clark also said, “There is sure to be money pouring in to Nevada, but one of the key questions will be, can patient counts support the process?”