GOPs, an infant, and flowers

Oh, fercrissake. The ReTrumplicans are still hanging on, Gollum-like, to their Precious? This shit is nothing more than a silly-ass game of Keep Away, straight out of fucking kindergarten. And every day that Dum Dum and his lackeys hang on to their precious Precious is another day that more and more Americans realize these villainous scumbags are hiding something. They’re hiding something large. You say The Report is 400 pages long? No kidding? Well, gee, I’m sure it’s just loaded with page after page of praise for the Prez! So, hey, how about you dastardly Deplorables for Don Don hand the friggin’ thing over, so that we can share in his Great Exoneration? We so want to admit the error of our ways, and rejoice in the Execrable Excellence of his Excremental Excellency! Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with rubles on top?

Subpoena the Goddamn Thing already. As the Clash once sang—cut the crap.

Wait a second. Trump’s picking on a guy’s neck? Trump? Donald Trump? Trump ridiculing a man for the appearance of his neck is a lot like John Bolton laughing at a guy for a ridiculous mustache. I mean, has Trump looked in the mirror in the past two years? Has he noticed what his neck looks like when he stuffs all the jowly, wattly flesh of his ever-expanding underchin into a shirt and tie? Has he noticed the humorous and totally prurient flaps, folds and fissures that take place during such packing? Jesus.

The Super Blooms of California this year were, amazingly enough, the real deal. Which is quite the treat for floral fans, considering that it was just two years ago, in the Eyeball-Popping Spring of ’17, that one of the great Super Blooms ever went down. So to get outrageously fabulous displays in Anza Borrego State Park (east of San Diego), Lake Elsinore (near Temecula), Joshua Tree National Park, Palm Springs, the Antelope Valley Poppy Preserve (outside of Lancaster), and Carrizo Plain National Monument has been a wondrous botanical super bonus indeed.

And it’s still going on. And it’s not that far away. The deserts of California, between Olancha and Mojave, are pretty doggone nice right now. When combined with the incredibly healthy snowpack now draping the mighty peaks of the Central and Southern Sierra, well, it’s an occasion where the word “spectacular” is spot on. Highway 395, from Reno to Red Rock Canyon, is one of the great scenic roads of planet Earth. And it’s strutting its magnificent stuff this month, big time.