
The seventh annual world tour of the Backcountry Film Festival on Dec. 2 highlights the beauty and fun of the winter backcountry experience. Submissions come from renowned filmmakers who travel every corner of the globe to submit their best backcountry work, and from grassroots filmmakers who take a video camera out on their weekend excursions and submit their best film short. The event is a fundraiser for Snowlands Network, and the goal is to promote safety and solitude on every winter adventure. 7 p.m., at the Joe Crowley Student Union. Tickets are $10 in advance, $5 with student ID (online or at REI), at the door $12/$6 with student ID. More information about the event email <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,105,110,102,111,64,97,114,116,101,109,105,115,105,97,109,111,118,105,101,115,46,111,114,103,34,62,105,110,102,111,64,97,114,116,101,109,105,115,105,97,109,111,118,105,101,115,46,111,114,103,60,47,97,62)) } </script> or contact Snowlands Network, (530) 265-6424.