Dangerous minds

You never know what will rise from a social media discussion. On Friday, the question was raised on the Reno News & Review Facebook site about what to do with used egg cartons. Many people in Northern Nevada were unaware that RSW Recycling does not allow residents to recycle plastic, Styrofoam or nonbleached-paper egg cartons. However, the nonbleached-paper egg cartons can be composted, according to Blaire Babich, program assistant at Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful. Companies like Whole Foods will take in and transport compostible items to places like Full Circle Compost in Minden. Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful is updating its recycling guide, but last year’s can be found at www.nevadarecycles.gov/doc/2009-2010recycling_guide_for_the_phonebook.pdf. And don’t forget, reuse is always an option, particularly if you have a friend who raises chickens in the backyard.