Add wind and water to local energy rebates

Add wind and water to rebates offered in Nevada through the SolarGenerations program. Sierra Pacific and Nevada Power companies announced on Aug. 26 that the renewable energy program is expanding “to include cash incentives for wind and hydroelectric power systems as well as photovoltaic systems.” The new program is being called RenewableGenerations, and is available for residences, schools, public buildings and small businesses planning to install a wind or solar project. The hydroelectric rebates are solely for agricultural customers planning to install small hydroelectric generating plants. As they’ve done for solar in the past, the rebates help offset installation costs for these renewable energy projects. There will also be more rebates available for customers installing solar PV systems.

The last session of the Nevada State Legislature made SolarGenerations a permanent program and doubled the amount of PV energy eligible for rebates from 1,900 kilowatts to 3,760 kilowatts.

The application process happens only once a year. Those eligible can apply beginning Sept. 4 at 10 a.m.-5 p.m. through Oct. 8. Applications are accepted on a first come-first served basis. For more information and for a list of the various rebate amounts, visit, or call (866) 786-3823.