About Last Night

Rated 3.0

Don't just file this one away as another unnecessary remake of an '80s film, because Kevin Hart and company make the latest adaptation of David Mamet's play Sexual Perversity in Chicago a wildly entertaining endeavor. Hart, who lights up any film he shows up in even when they stink, plays Bernie, a player who finds himself in a relationship with the fiery Joan (Regina Hall). While Bernie and Joan experience a wild rollercoaster ride of sex and spats, Bernie's best bud Danny (Michael Ealy) winds up dating Joan's best friend Debbie (Joy Bryant). The two have a one-night stand that turns into a long-term relationship replete with all the problems of a relationship that started up way too fast. The main reason to see the film is Hart and Hall, who are a crack up under the direction of Steve Pink (Hot Tub Time Machine). However, Ealy and Bryant make for an appealing and intriguing screen couple, so the movie doesn't nosedive when the action switches to them. It's better than the original, which starred Rob Lowe, Demi Moore and flippin' James Belushi. Screw that movie.