A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Rated 4.0

4 A franchise finds it’s footing again with A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas. While not as consistently funny as the first H&K movie, it’s a significant improvement over the second. It’s goofy, it’s nasty, and it’s a pretty great exercise in 3D fun, too. This one picks up a few years down the road from the dour, somewhat unfunny and outlandish Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay. Harold (John Cho) is a successful stockbroker now married to somewhat crazy Maria (Paula Garces) and preparing for Christmas with his scary father-in-law (Danny Trejo, a.k.a. MACHETE!). A mysterious package brings Harold and Kumar together again, and they embark on an adventure that includes a frantic search for a Christmas tree, an evil mobster (Elias Koteas), a glorious dancing appearance in a holiday extravaganza with the resurrected Neil Patrick Harris (he had died in the first sequel), and, most hilariously, a baby getting all sorts of accidental drug experiences.