Issue: July 07, 2022

Happy Friday, CN&R readers!

I am back at the editor’s laptop after a planned three-week break that turned to into four weeks thanks to finally running out of luck in dodging COVID-19.

On the eve of our flight back to the U.S. after an invigorating adventure throughout the U.K., Ireland and France, my wife Connie and I were forced to quarantine after I tested positive. Thankfully, I had relatively mild symptoms and Connie never got it. Other than the pinch of many extra costs, it was pas mal (“not bad”)—holed up in a Paris hotel with a beautiful view and great food delivered to my room.

I am very happy to be back in Chico and back to work though, especially since it’s print-issue week! Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky made sure the CN&R didn’t miss a beat, and he and the editorial staff put together a lovely package of stories for the annual Business Issue.

This year’s edition highlights businesses with a mission to help others, with features on Farshad Azad, the big-hearted owner of Azad’s Martial Arts Center (“Enter the Altruist”), and Sunseri Construction, the longstanding Chico firm that specializes in building affordable housing (“Foundation of Compassion”).

Hear ye! Hear ye!

We are entering the final stretch of Best of Chico voting! If you haven’t yet registered your choices, let your voice be heard. Go to and vote for the greatest goods, spectacular services, amazing restaurants, unbelievable people and more, and help the best of our community get their chance in the spotlight.

Take care,

Jason Cassidy
CN&R editor