Issue: January 14, 2021

Today Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as the new president and vice president and will face the daunting task of governing a divided America that is also entering the first stages of recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. In Butte County those same concerns are compounded by issues of rebuilding in the aftermath of another round of devastating wildfires, and in this month’s Whom to Watch issue, Chico News & Review writers have spoken to some of the local leaders who are tasked with getting the community back on its feet.

Speaking of divisions in our country, our local U.S. Representative Doug LaMalfa has been at the center of many of the controversies surrounding President Trump, including the efforts by members of the GOP to protest the certification of electoral votes. Both our editors and our readers have weighed in on the congressman’s actions.

If you want to share your thoughts—on this or any other issue—visit us here and send us your letters (200 words or less) or guest comments (325 words).

Jason Cassidy
CN&R interim editor