Issue: August 06, 2020

Dear readers:

The CN&R is back in print … again! This week, the second of four planned monthly print editions was published (on Aug. 6), and the real-world version of the paper will be available on racks around Butte County throughout the month until we run out. (Of course, the issue’s stories are now online as well.)

It’s not surprising that the bulk of the August issue concerns COVID-19—from its impact on the arts scene to the response to the crisis by local agencies that have been through the Camp Fire and Oroville Dam spillway emergencies and are now dealing with a surge in coronavarius cases.

Plus, writer Ashiah Scharaga spoke with the folks at Stonewall Alliance about the group’s recent advocacy for people of color, we checked in with prolific Chico musician/painter Michael Bone, and film critic Juan-Carlos Selznick invites us into his movie streaming queue.

Thanks to all the advertisers who are sticking with us to make print possible and to all the supporters who continue to help fund the CN&R’s editorial staff with donations.

Jason Cassidy
CN&R interim editor