Water bond opposition

Local water defenders against Prop. 1

AquAlliance, the local water-activist organization, opposes Proposition 1, the state water bond set for the November ballot according to a press release, which says that while the measure includes some beneficial funding and cost-effective items, it also expands groundwater banking and conjunctive use, which is detrimental regionally. The measure would decrease water recycling projects by 44 percent and does not respond to the ongoing drought, the release charges.

“If we are to protect the North State from the state and federal habit of taking water from healthy watersheds that leave them devastated, then water recycling, conservation, and reclamation are exactly what California needs most,” it reads.

AquAlliance Executive Director Barbara Vlamis said expanding the extraction of North State groundwater to the south is a matter that crosses political party lines locally, but unfortunately details of the bond are not widely understood.