Stonegate update

Proposed subdivision going to council with Planning Commission recommendation

Stonegate, a proposed subdivision for southeast Chico, will go to the City Council on Sept. 18 with a recommendation for approval from the Planning Commission.

Epick Homes’ 313-acre development would bring over 600 housing units to Chico, but has generated controversy because it is situated on a vernal pool habitat, home to species such as the endangered Butte County meadowfoam.

The vote to recommend certification of the project’s environmental impact report and adoption of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program fell 4-2, with Commissioners John Howlett and Lupita Arim-Law dissenting, citing environmental concerns.

When it came to recommending approval of a general plan amendment, rezone, vesting tentative subdivision map and use permit, the vote was 5-1, with Howlett against. Commissioner Evan Tuchinsky (also a contributing editor at this paper) recused himself due to a potential conflict of interest.