Single Mother

Tim Bluhm Involvement & 5 Foot Tuesday LaSalles, Wed., Nov. 5

A Jewish grandmother couldn’t have made a better match than pairing 5 Foot Tuesday with former Mother Hips singer, songwriter and guitarist Tim Bluhm. Time was equally split enjoying 5 Foot Tuesday’s pungently soulful rock and admiring its drummer’s sweeping, prehistoric comb-over.

As soon as the long-legged and clean-shaven Bluhm took the stage, 5 Foot Tuesday instantly transformed into the Tim Bluhm Involvement. The beautiful harmonies and thoughtful lyrics that barnacled the Mother Hips ship for the past decade didn’t disappear when the band divorced earlier this year.

Practically surrounded by soft, fuzzy, white light, Bluhm was mesmerizing, his performance comfortable and organic, his facial expressions passionate and his voice dynamic and sincere.

One of the first jams was appropriately off of Bluhm’s first solo album, Land and Sea Chanteys. “Harnessmakers Song” was followed by selections from Ball Point Birds, The Soft Adventure as well as various Mother Hips recordings. The crowd was taken through an encyclopedia of emotions, leaping from “Princess of Darkness,” a sway-provoking ballad, to the more senior, and energetic, “Grizzly Bear.”

And the encore, possibly motivated by the devoted, overly shrill fan screaming "Motorhome," ended the night with that very sweet song.