Recommended Reading

Books make you smarter. Whether you want to know the history of cannabis in America, the health benefits of medical marijuana, how to grow a really nice plant or maybe you just need some good recipes, books are your friends. The bible of cannabis books is “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by cannabis activism pioneer Jack Herer ( This book gives a detailed history of the cannabis plant and its many uses, including rope and sails, concrete and fuel. And medicine. This book also discusses the history of cannabis prohibition and why the cannabis plant has been illegal in the U.S. for more than 70 years. “Marijuana: Gateway to Health” by Clint Werner ( is chock-full of research on just about every medical application of marijuana there is. San Francisco-based researcher Werner goes in-depth about marijuana’s short- and longterm effects, and whether or not marijuana is right for you. Other books about marijuana can be found all over. There are two Bay Area-based printing companies that specialize in canna-centric publishing. The first: Quick Trading Company (, founded by ganja guru Ed Rosenthal, publishes strain guides, pest control reference books and more. The second: Green Candy Press ( publishes books aimed at more experienced growers and some really cool coffeetable tomes. If you prefer to borrow a book, many libraries now stock books about cannabis. Call your local branch.