Public-access transition complete

North Valley Community Access has taken over the airing of public meetings

It’s official. North Valley Community Access has taken over the operation of public-access television’s Channel 11, which airs public meetings of local governments, including live Chico City Council meetings.

Last year Butte College, which for several years had run the station, announced that for budget reasons it was getting out of the TV game. NVCA Program Director Ben Weddell said the transition has been relatively seamless—there was only a single day off-air—and the schedule for the most part has stayed the same. But that is not to say it won’t change in the future, Weddell said.

The NCVA offices are located on the fourth floor of the Waterland-Breslauer Building at Broadway and Fourth streets in downtown Chico, right next to KZFR radio. Besides Weddell, the NVCA board of directors includes former TV news reporter and anchor Mike Donnelly, KZFR programmer and former director of the Chico Peace & Justice Center Sue Hilderbrand, public-access producer Christine Smith-Meyerpeter and broadband promoter Cathy Emerson.