Of seniors’ healthy behavior

Report finds California’s seniors have the healthiest behaviors in the nation

Seniors in California have the healthiest behaviors of any such age group in the country, though the state ranked 18th overall for the health of its seniors, a report from the United Health Foundation finds.

The America’s Health Rankings Seniors Report assessed the health of each state’s seniors using 34 measures, according to California Healthline. California ranked in the top 10 in the U.S. for avoiding obesity, as only 21.1 percent of seniors are obese; maintaining dental care, as 73.2 percent of seniors regularly visit the dentist; not smoking, as 5.9 percent of seniors smoke; and taking part in physical activities, as 78.6 percent of seniors are active.

However, a high rate of food insecurity in California, limited access to home health care, and high rates of hospital deaths lowered the state’s overall rating.