More pointed remarks

With a couple hundred surveys submitted, I got more interesting comments than I could fit in my column. Here are some additional ones, answering the Anything you want to tell us about CN&R? question:

“You are a crucial voice informing me of local politics, especially choices regarding growth and land use and transportation.”

“I always check your endorsements at election time. Good job!”

“The personal ads may be a moneymaker for you but they give a sleazy feel to your paper. The political opinions at election time are very helpful. I also like local coverage of what’s happening in the community.”

“No porn dildos. Bad form!”

“More coverage about how the Iraq War affects local residents. Watchdog land abuse!”

“Less navel-gazing in Days of Lore and Culture Vulture, which tend to be personal ramblings without much point.”

“Please have more about Bidwell Park. Please print more Indian powwow dates here in the North State. More sections on the Best of Chico and Butte County. Have more reader surveys.”

“Appreciate coverage of Dorothy Parker’s demonstration against U.S. Torture School (of Americas).”

“You need to do more on local history. Do more on upcoming concerts, like a grid with all concerts for four months ahead.”

“Please put in the CN&R places in the North State where you can go in summer to sunbathe … and put a hobby section in the CN&R.”

“I would enjoy more book reviews. Thank you.”

“Remember you are the liberal progressive voice in town. Serve as an alternative to the E-R. Keep in mind there are many of us who refuse to subscribe to the Egregious-Record and that you are our only source of local news.”

“Your publication is going up in flames and everyone knows it. I’m embarrassed for you. Stop now and maybe you can save some face.”

“Welcome back, Bob Speer!”

“You people rock!”

“Some articles are fantastic (except when foul language is incorporated). I moved to Chico in 1990. CN&R excited me, and I have read it every week since. You lowered your standards. I’m very disappointed. You’ve included toleration of about everything obscene.”

“I have met some wonderful people and attended fun events when I turned to CN&R for something to do, which I have done often over the years.”

“CN&R offers interesting and different opinions from the other local papers.”

“I enjoy the editorials more now than in the past.”

“I appreciate your in-depth articles about local news and your more investigative work.”

“Most of the publication is not of interest to me. Articles like the cover story by Robert Speer are the reason I read the CN&R.”

“Stop the cycle of circle-jerk journalism, focusing only on the downtown area. It’s great that the N&R has a new editor.”

“You have a wider audience than you realize. Thanks for asking our opinion!”

“Glad it’s free.”