McIver and Keene for Assembly

As much as we’d like to endorse Democrat Robert Woods, a thoughtful man with good ideas, for the District 3 Assembly seat currently held by Rick Keene, R-Chico, we have to be pragmatic and go with the incumbent. Woods has little chance of winning in such a heavily Republican district.

And Keene has done well in his first two years. He already holds a number of important positions, including vice-chairman of the Budget Committee. Though we sometimes disagree with his political philosophy, the fact remains that he’s from Chico. He may be a conservative ideologue, but he’s our conservative ideologue.

On the other hand, in Assembly District 2, Democrat Barbara McIver, of Red Bluff, is clearly a better choice than incumbent Doug LaMalfa, R-Richvale. We had hope for LaMalfa when he was first elected, but we’ve changed our mind. Or rather, LaMalfa has changed his spots. The little legislation he’s written has looked good in print but is pretty much meaningless. LaMalfa has little imagination and simply panders to the whims of his political benefactors.

He’s one of us? He is a fiscal conservative railing against taxes, while his family’s rice farm awaits its annual half-million-dollar government subsidy.

McIver has paid her dues by serving on the Tehama County Board of Supervisors for 12 years. She’s a moderate and could do well in the conservative district. She is smart, realistic and energetic. LaMalfa failed to attend a recent League of Women Voters debate with McIver here in Chico. He also refused to respond to an issues survey called the National Political Awareness Test put out by the by the nonpartisan and highly respected Project Vote Smart. The district deserves better than Doug LaMalfa.