Making the shelter even better

Mary Flynn is Chairwoman, Board of Directors, Chico Community Shelter Partnership

We did it! With the community’s generous support, the Board of Directors of the Chico Community Shelter Partnership (CCSP) is pleased to announce that we have fully paid the debt associated with the initial phase of construction at the Torres Community Shelter, on Silver Dollar Way.

As you might recall, CCSP received a $500,000 “forgivable loan” from the state of California for Phase I of shelter construction. Construction bids for Phase I came to $685,000, which left us with a $185,000 funding gap that we set about raising locally. At the outset of construction in August 2003, CCSP had $16,000 in designated capital-construction gifts or donations. During construction we raised almost $99,000 through the “sponsor-a-square-foot” campaign.

At construction completion in February 2003, we still had a $70,000 funding gap. It was covered with a line of credit graciously given to us by Butte Community Bank. Today, only a year and one-half after moving into our new home, that debt has been paid in full.

We could not have made such tremendous progress without the support of the good people of Chico.

We are enormously proud of all we have accomplished as a community nonprofit, and we are energized by our plans for the future. In the months ahead we will begin the final phase of construction at the Torres Community Shelter. With the support of a second forgivable loan from the state of California, administered through the Emergency Housing Assistance Program–Capital Development Program, we will expand our agency to include the following: improved and increased housing capabilities; needed additional family space; 12-step meeting rooms; social worker office space (Behavioral Health, veterans, Social Security, legal, etc.); children’s play area; a medical evaluation clinic; and, last but not least, improved kitchen facilities as well as a dining/multi-purpose room.

To make this vision a reality we will need to support our grant funding with money we raise within our local community. We look forward to this opportunity to expand our partnership with the good people of Chico. Together we are making a difference in the lives of the men, woman and children who are struggling to find a safe place to call home.