Local Heroes

Six people we can all be thankful for

It takes powerful glue to bind together a community, and there is no stronger glue than giving. Nothing—not wealth, not natural beauty, not sophistication—contributes to the essential goodness of a city or town more than the people who give of themselves, freely and without seeking reward, to help others by relieving suffering.

Each year at this time the CN&R takes time out from reporting and commenting on the events that define life in our readership area to call attention to a few of these splendid people who make life better for so many others. At Thanksgiving time, we like to give back to them the best thing we have to offer: our thanks.

So here they are, our nominees this year as “local heroes.” Their good examples inspire us all.

Giving relief

Compassionate conservative

Rebuilding families

Living history

Dr. Kate~wonder woman

The rabbi arrives