Letters for November 3, 2005

Correction: The Oct. 27 Guest comment, “The politics behind Prop. 75,” should have read that approximately 54 percent of the state’s teachers are registered Democrats. The CN&R takes full responsibility for the mistake and apologizes to both the author and the readers.

Sound of Music
Your Local Bastard column, “Springtime for Hitler” on Oct. 27 was totally correct and truthful. I would like to add that thankfully, the Gaede family has left Bakersfield, claiming “this town isn’t white enough for us.” According to ABC’s Primetime television program that aired Oct. 20, they are off to pollute the Pacific Northwest.

Let us hope they are treated in such a way that they will leave that area also. Perhaps they will be doomed to travel, never finding a welcome home again.

As a resident of Kern County, I can assure you the majority of good citizens in Bakersfield have no use for the Gaede family.

Mrs. Linda Vawser
Kern County

Rep’s bad rep
Wally Herger. He is our representative in Congress (California’s 2nd Congressional District). Wally Herger voted to weaken Congressional House ethics rules to protect Texas Congressman Tom Delay (HR 5, Roll Call 6, Jan. 4, 2005). Wally Herger voted to allow Tom Delay to continue serving as Congressional House Leader even if he got indicted (pcactionfund.org). Tom Delay was indicted on the charge of criminally conspiring to inject illegal corporate money to Republican candidates from Texas (foxnews.com). Wally Herger took $1,105 from Tom Delay’s political action committee, ARMPAC (tray.com). Tom Delay acknowledged that he failed to report financial contributions to his Legal Defense Fund; doing so is an action that is required by the Congress of the United States of America (cnn.com, Oct. 26, 2005).

Wally Herger, our congressman, gave $6,000 to Tom Delay’s Legal Defense Fund (tray.com). Wally Herger gets paid a salary of $158,000 per year plus health and other benefits (usgovinfo.about.com). Wally Herger was part of a group of House Republicans who proposed trimming military quality-of-life programs and healthcare (navytimes.com, September 2005). Our congressional representative, Wally Herger, hailed the Base Realignment And Closing process (house.gov/herger.). And Wally Herger voted for the $286 billion highway bill, with more than 6,000 pork projects, including a $231 million bridge in Alaska that goes to Gravina Island, population 50 (freerepublic.com). Wally Herger represents we the people of California’s 2nd district.

Eric Hitchcock

Fitzgerald to Fitzgerald
As someone who has thought from the beginning that the Bush administration led this country into Iraq preemptively and prematurely, Patrick Fitzgerald proved today that high-ranking officials aren’t above the law. This ought to outrank even Watergate, which I used to think was preventative enough to keep future administrations honest, and my faith in our country’s handling of criminal misconduct was finally restored today!

Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald is about as brilliant as anyone gets, and I hope he’ll find even bigger conspirators to go after now that Libby has been outed. (How does it feel to “out” someone now, Scooter?) Patrick couldn’t have given Bush’s seven sacred words any better meaning: Working Hard! Making Progress!! Staying the Course!!!

Keep up the outstanding achievements.

Mark Fitzgerald

Poor promo
I must say I was a bit surprised to see Wal-Mart as a sponsor for the Chico Chamber’s Women in Business Luncheon [News & Review special insert, Oct. 27]. The big-box store accounts for the closure of approximately 50 percent of American small businesses. The Chico Wal-Mart is in direct competition with local business owners, and is a threat to their viability. It seems inappropriate to promote their store as a supporter of local business. For more information on the impact of Wal-Mart please see the movie Wal-Mart, The High Cost of Low Prices at the Chico Peace and Justice Center Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m.

Shelly Mariposa
Received via e-mail

Thanks for the Anthony Porter column on stereotypes [From the Edge, Oct. 13] I liked the way he explained it. I pasted it in an e-mail for my files to save.

I just had that very conversation with someone the other day who pretends to be “above” by supposedly not “prejudging” or judging anyone. I explained she can’t not do that. We all have judgments or opinions and they are not necessarily bad. If she were honest, she would admit she has them also. The question is, where do we let our opinions or judgments take us? That’s when the opinions or judgments become either good or bad.

Good stuff. It was nice work and a good thought-provoking article from Anthony.

Tina Brandt
Received via e-mail

Commander in briefs
Oh the lies, the lies, the lies! Bush built his empire on them. It took more lies to defend the lies with which he began. He lied, his aides lied, and the nation suffered.

Much of the voting public smelled a rat. Some of the voters were misled. But these days, all fronts are becoming one, and the White House is on the run. Scooter Libby has lost his momentum.

Now the pigs are still in the parlor, but the wolves are in the hall. Indictments are raining down on Chief Bunny Pants like truth-seeking missiles.

Good. It’s about time.

Dan D Wilson

Negative vote
The Nov. 8 special election will cost California taxpayers approximately $50 million that should not be spent. Every measure on the ballot could just as well have been addressed in the regular election next year. Butte County’s share of the cost will be $300,000, with no assurance of reimbursement by the State.

The first six propositions, 73 through 78, are proposals of Gov. Schwarzenegger and his allies calculated to make the governor more electable next year. They also have a better chance of passage with low voter turnout in a special election.

Though unnecessary, this special election could hurt many people if the governor’s proposals pass. Just say NO to Propositions 73 through 78 and send a message that we will not be fooled again.

Be sure to vote on Nov. 8.

Robert Woods