It’s almost Martini time

From the bottom to the tops, I’m just giving props. Hit me at
Chico is poppin', and the music train looks to be just gearing up. Missed a few great shows lately, notably Clark W. Griswald‘s CD release party at the Bear, Hit by a Semi‘s CD release party at Mr. Lucky, and the Laura Love show at Lasalles, but it just indicates how full of music Chico is right now. What I did catch was Jeff Pershing‘s show at the kick-off of the Friday Night Concert in the Park series. Frankly, nothing compares to a couple of hundred Chico folks dancing the night away in the middle of town.

Union of The Dead seems to be leaving our fair city for ports still unknown, searching for more gigs and visibility. You still have time to catch them at Jason Cassidy’s Memorial Day Boat Drags festival at the end of this month. Thirty bands in three days? You’ll have to look for posters on that one.

Speaking of pushing the fourth wall, news is out that the Blue Room is looking for new digs. Hey folks, this is a good thing! If Denver and Dylan Latimer never left their parents’ back yard, trees would still canopy the theater. Capacity crowds at The Blue and growth of artistic expression are fueling this move, so keep your eyes peeled for any suitable rooms in the downtown area.

For someone who refers to cultural roots in Chico, you would think I would know better, but the hard-hitting comedy team of Merry and Standish schooled me on who the real busters are. Truth is, all I remember of our not-sold-out performances at The Other Theater are vague recollections of Aaron Standish running around, chomping on a big 10-cent cigar with a rolled-up script in his hand, smacking me on the back of my head every time I changed one of his lines. “DNA! You think I stay up all night long, pulling my hairs out, working on these words just so you can be funny, for my health? DNA, LSD, FBI, whatever the hell your name is, I’m a comedic genius. Get down on the ground and bow before me, mortal.” Of course this was before he met Liz Merry.

Everybody is gearing up for the Reverend Horton Heat at the Brick Works, so get your tickets early before this show sells out.