In a few words

Winners of the CN&R’s annual Fiction 59 word contest

The 1078 Gallery Literary Committee served as Fiction 59 judges. Clockwise from left: Sarah Pape, Marta Shaffer, Muir Hughes and Kathleen McPartland.

The 1078 Gallery Literary Committee served as Fiction 59 judges. Clockwise from left: Sarah Pape, Marta Shaffer, Muir Hughes and Kathleen McPartland.

Fiction 59 reading
Hear the stories come to life as the winners and honorable mentions (all are invited!) read them aloud Friday, Oct. 25, 6:30 p.m., at The Bookstore (118 Main St.).

You have 59 words to tell your story. Wait. Scratch that. You have only six words. Go!

Dang, readers! You stepped up and flooded us with submissions for both the Fiction 59 contest and the new, much shorter, sub-category. The CN&R and the judges were impressed with both the volume and the quality of micro-fiction this year.

We have our customary winners and honorable mentions divided by age groups for the 59-word stories, but for the new category, we just asked the judges from the 1078 Gallery Literary Committee to pick 15 six-word stories that they liked best, regardless of age. Read them all. It’ll take you less time than it did to finish this intro.

Note: To ensure unbiased consideration, names are stripped from all stories before judges review them.