Imbibe responsibly

Celebrate craft brewing during Chico Beer Week, but do so responsibly

This week’s CN&R marks our second annual Beer Issue and the start of our accompanying Chico Beer Week, a 10-day celebration of the craft brew movement and Chico’s part in it.

Our fair city is home to what is arguably the granddaddy of American craft beers, the pioneering Sierra Nevada, which, over the past 34 years, has taken beer appreciation to new heights. After so much innovation and excellence in the brewing world by our hometown brewing company, and the region’s dedication to craft beers from around the nation, we thought it fitting that we take our admiration to the next level by organizing festivities of all things brew—a fall fête, if you will.

In these pages, you’ll find a calendar of beer-centric events at a wide array of businesses around town, from the Naked Lounge offering mochas infused with stout malt syrup, to tap-takeover events at the local craft-beer bars, and from beer and food pairings at local eateries, to Sierra Nevada’s Single Fresh Wet & Wild Harvest Festival capping off the week.

We are excited about all of this year’s festivities, but we want to remind the community to take care when imbibing. Just as craft brewing is about attention to detail, these activities and events are about appreciating the care involved in what truly is an art form. In other words, this isn’t about binge drinking, this is about responsible enjoyment. So, keep calm, and cheers.