Goin’ to Kansas City

Those Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) members are back from the big SIFE USA National Exposition, held May 13-15 in Kansas City, Mo.

Students at both Chico State University and Butte College volunteer their time to participate in SIFE clubs, in which college students join up with children in kindergarten through 12th grade to teach them about how business works. They even help set them up in their own enterprises.

Butte College—last year’s international champions—took first place in the two-year college division and may go to London in July, and while Chico State’s team got all first- and second-place votes from nine of the judges, one gave lowball scores and so the group couldn’t advance to the next day. It was the first time in six years the Chico team didn’t make the final round, so I don’t think they lost any confidence. The team was named first runner-up, related adviser Curt DeBerg, and was praised for its presentation of the project it did with high-schoolers.

I got a nice visit from Lyndelle Miller, a senior at Pleasant Valley High School, who came down to make sure we know about the great teen library volunteer program the county has. Miller, one of a couple of dozen volunteers aged 15 to 18, has been donating a couple of hours a week plus a few more on the weekends. “I just love reading and I love libraries,” she said, as if everyone should feel the same way—and they should.

The teens help shelve books, make sure said books are in the proper order (remember Mr. Melville Dewey?) and even read during children’s story time. Puppet shows and bake sales are also spots where young volunteers have been sighted.

Not so altruistically, I was a shelver for my local public library back in high school, when they actually paid teens for this type of thing. I pulled down $3.15 an hour, got to be around books and went on to do four years in circulation at my college library. I would encourage people to volunteer at libraries; they need the help. Call (891-2762) or stop by the library for more information.

Also, here’s to my friend Molly Krill, who’s graduating next month with a master’s in library science from UCLA.

I teamed up with Sara Sipes, former News & Review photo editor-turned-mad scientist, and went out to play Eagles bingo last week. We had a great time, even though we didn’t win. At Eagles bingo, you can get a turkey sandwich and salad for $2.50. And you can win hundreds of dollars and a vase of plastic flowers. That’s if you make it past the lady at the door who said, “You have to be 18,” and made us show her our driver’s licenses.

Getting carded at bingo wasn’t as big of a help to my self-esteem as one might think. At 29, I’m struggling with making the difficult transition between the junior and missy departments at Gottschalks. It’s a big leap from $15 rayon skirts to those linen jumpers with fruit and little giraffes embroidered on them, and I’m not sure I’m ready.