EPA spotlights Butte College

College is only educational institution awarded for solar electricity

Butte College has been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency for its contributions to helping the nation find renewable-energy resources.

Out of 17 honorees, the college was the only educational institution recognized, and was awarded one of three awards given by the agency for on-site power generation at the EPA’s Green Power Leadership Awards ceremony in Atlanta, Ga.

The college is continuing to expand its on-site solar electricity generation, and the third phase of the project may be underway in the near future, according to college officials.

On the heels of the EPA announcement, Butte officals were informed the school has earned another prestigious honor: the Campus Sustainability Leadership Award from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). New York University, the University of New Hampshire, and Furman University also received the award.