Edge: A Decade of Decadence

WWE Home Video

Edge is the type of professional wrestler who excites fans and enrages naysayers. He’s lewd, crude, loud-mouthed and sells a punch with as much wide-eyed surprise as any of the Three Stooges. What the naysayers don’t understand is that this Snidely Whiplash of a villain isn’t the downfall of professional wrestling, but rather its saving grace. Born Adam Copeland, the “Rated-R Superstar” is at his best in this collection of 28 matches. Hardcore matches involving tables, ladders and chairs fill his repertoire, but a villain is always at the top of his game when paired against a shining knight. Edge’s 2006 Summerslam match against John Cena gives us the good-vs.-bad melodrama that is sorely missing from UFC and boxing. Two matches feature great audio commentary by Copeland and wrestling commentator Matt Striker, but the rest are left wanting. Also sorely missed is Copeland’s commentary on his time with Gangrel, Christian or the bitter on- and off-screen love triangle with fellow wrestlers Matt Hardy and Lita. Still, the “Ultimate Opportunist” serves up the ultimate selection of dirty tricks that are good to the last controversial pinfall.