Earth Hour

Sixty minutes in the dark

Can you completely unplug from the electrical grid? Earth Hour, a simultaneous one-hour break from electricity, starts at 8:30 p.m. (local time) on March 27. Last, year, more than 100 million people around the world shut down everything—lights, TV, even appliances on standby—and joined one another in the dark to show solidarity for staving off the negative effects of climate change. There might not be as many festivities to take part in as there are during the course of an entire Earth Day, but Earth Hour can still be fun. Here are a few tips courtesy of

How to spend your Earth Hour

• Throw an Earth Hour street party with your neighbors.

• Gather family and friends for a night picnic in your local park.

• Look at the stars.

• Enjoy a family dinner by candlelight.

• Organize a treasure hunt in the dark.

• Take the dog for a night walk.

• Have a candle-lit bath.

• Sit in the dark and share stories.

• Board games, by candlelight.

• Share a romantic night in with your loved one.