Down to hair, down to there

Get spoiled with
People still come up to me and ask me why I cut my dreads, as if my hair was a badge of honor to them. After two batches in 13 years I had experienced every event that could happen to one whose hair has dreaded. Disgust, remorse, blind hate and a total disregard for what I was saying were common occurrences. And that was from just the state of New Jersey.

Now, I’m no expert, as I’ve had only four or five haircuts since the late ‘80s, but there are some real superstar hair shapers in town. People who give not only a new doo, but the total haircutting experience. “Shelby” (also known as St. Ann) works out at Ultra Beautician. The decor is cool retro, and a boutique is soon to be added. Over at Theodore Brandon’s A Salon is the expert snipper of Debbie Dare (great name, great cuts). And new to downtown is the Salon Chic-o. The owner is known as “Vince” to his fond legion of clientele, who always pronounce Vince’s name with a longing “sigh."…

What’s that you say? Chico is a hard place for your band to get a gig? Well fear not, ye of musical talent. The Boys & Girls Club is looking for bands to play in a Band Bash! Prospective bands can reach Joe at 899-0335 or 879-5653. The event is going to be on April 19, which is also my birthday. Not to mention Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing and Ruby Ridge. Oops, sorry I mentioned it. …

I mean I don’t want to get to conspiratorial, but I do think Chico has a special destiny. Hints of this future can be seen in the made-in-Chico film Magic Town (1947). “Jimmy Stewart made Chico Depot famous when he stepped off the train into Chico in this RKO film that also starred Jane Wyman and Kent Smith. This is the story of a pollster who discovers the perfect small town that reflects all of America’s trends. Eventually the town is ‘spoiled’ by all of the media attention." Or so says the Chamber of Commerce Web site.