
Gordy Ohliger

Gordy Ohliger


Gordy Ohliger of Chico, known as “the Banjo-ologist” for his fun-loving nature and expertise as a soloist, has been chosen to receive the support of the California Arts Council. The honor comes with a fee subsidy that will allow him to perform in a variety of venues. This weekend, May 25-28, Ohliger will be performing at the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee.

Venture capital

The Golden State Capital Network, which matches investors with small-business startups, has an nounced four new investors who will serve on its board of directors. They are: John Kunhart, co-founder of American River Ventures; Roger Akers, founder of Akers Capital Venture Fund; Tom Millhoff, co-founder of the Springboard Angels; and Jim Kitchel, a member of the Sacramento Angels. It was also announced that Steve Weiss, co-founder of the North Bay Angels, will serve as chairman to the board.

Coleen Jarvis


How’s this for diplomacy? Chico State’s Model U.N. delegates won two top awards, for the second year in a row, at the National Model United Nations conference. The competition was held in New York City. The Chico State team represented the Netherlands in the contest and took home awards for Outstanding Position Paper and for Distinguished Delegation. It is advised by Professor Rick Ostrom.

The winners of the eighth annual Maggie Awards, presented by Chico State University’s Women’s Center, were announced May 14. The awards went to: Alexandra Benson (young woman), Ali Ruhman (undergraduate student), Roxanne Baxter (graduate student), Latonia Dixon (re-entry student), Dolly Moore-Solomon (staff member), Cynthia Daley (faculty member), Coleen Jarvis, pictured, (community woman) and Ramona Flynn (senior woman). The awards are named for Maggie Pattison, longtime and much-loved retired secretary for the Associated Students.

Jane Dolan, 2nd District Butte County supervisor, has been recognized by Chapman Elementary School with the PTA Honorary Service Award for accomplishments including her role in writing the Chapman/Mulberry Neighborhood Plan, planting trees, starting the Community Cleanup, donating the TEAM Chapman building and overseeing the parking lot project. A school newsletter praised Dolan: “Throughout her years of endless dedication to our community, Jane has always been most concerned with the safety of our children.”


Agilent Technologies, a Palo Alto-based high-tech company, donated more than $85,000 worth of computer hardware to Chico State on May 4. The company gave the equipment to the College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology and will be recognized with a plaque in O’Connell Hall, where most computer science classrooms are located.