
So far, when combining forces for their side project She & Him, M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel have simply done no wrong. Classics further illustrates this fact, especially given that covering “classic” songs is tricky territory to waltz into, but this duo does so with superb skill. Deschanel sounds like a songbird from radios past with her rich vocals on these songs from the 1930s through 1960s, and with Ward's complementary guitar work throughout, the experience is sublime. You will pretty much fall in love with them with their take on the Ella Fitzgerald/Louis Armstrong standard “Would You Like to Take a Walk?” And their update of “It's Not for Me to Say,” made famous by Johnny Mathis, is perfect fodder for any high school looking to have a 1950s-themed dance. Their rendition of “It's Always You” is exquisite as well and stands as one of the album's highlights. Most artists are not ballsy enough to take on songs made famous by the likes of Sinatra, Holiday and Costello, but She & Him manages to do so with the right combination of reverence for the past and putting their own stamp on the music. Classics is a beauty.