Call of Duty: World at War

Activision Inc.

Playstation 3

Who doesn’t like shooting Nazis? I sure don’t mind. The newest installment of Call of Duty is set during WWII, and the action varies from sniping the Germans from the Russians’ point of view to confronting ruthless enemies across the Pacific from the Americans’ point of view. They made a couple of additions since COD 4, including a four-person co-op online mode where you can go through the regular game with other gamers and compete for points. There is also a vehicle aspect of fighting online, with everything from bombers to tanks. One last thing—and the best, in my opinion—is when you beat the game it unlocks the Nazi Zombie mode, where you are locked in a house and have to defend it from a army of dead Nazis. It is a very creepy aspect of the game because they just sneek up on you constantly. Trust me when I say this game will not let you down—I would be shocked to see another game get game of the year. Definitely a must-own.