Bike-lane bridge started

Project will connect the bike path over Little Chico Creek

Construction of one of the Highway 99 bike lane bridges over Little Chico Creek has begun.

Work crews have been on the site just south of Humboldt Road and east of the highway for about two weeks. On Tuesday (June 26), a sub-contractor stretching orange fencing across the path said he thinks the project will be completed by fall.

About a quarter-mile east of the project, a city worker fixing root eruptions on the bike path that runs parallel with Humboldt said he was unaware until that day that the bridge construction had begun. “I wouldn’t have known, except a guy I work with who rides his bike along here just told,” he said with a shrug. “It’s pretty cool.”

Construction of a second bridge on the west side of the highway that will connect to Community Park possibly will start next year.