Bike commuting 101

No more excuses not to ride to work

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Let’s face it—most of us could commute to work via bicycle if we made it a priority. But there are lots of little excuses that keep us from it: “I’ll be all sweaty when I get there,” or “I can’t carry my laptop and my coffee,” or “I’m worried about all the crazy motorists out there and don’t feel safe.” Well, stop making excuses and look at some solutions from Wired magazine—maybe making a lifestyle change is just what you need to make your day a little brighter.

Don’t sweat it: First of all, slow down. If you’re not pedaling at top speed, you’re not as likely to break a sweat. But when Chico’s summer temps reach 100, there may be nothing to be done about sweating, so suiting up in a moisture-wicking fabric—found at most sporting-goods stores—can be just the ticket. If you don’t want to look dorky, throw a T-shirt on top and change when you get to the office.

Wide load: Too much to carry? Either lighten your load altogether or add a basket. Most bike shops can outfit your two-wheeler with a variety of basket styles, from those that fit on the front (stylish for the college ladies) to saddle-bag type containers on the rear.

Safety first: This one really just comes down to being street smart, literally. Make sure you’re visible. If you’re biking home at night, after the sun goes down, be sure to have rear and front lights. And always wear a helmet. It also helps to follow the rules of the road—stop at stop signs, signal and ride with the direction of traffic.